Proactive Lien Services is a company providing a lien paperwork service for construction based businesses. We prepare pre liens, notices of intent, mechanics liens, and bond claims, handling all of the paperwork to protect your rights by ensuring you follow all state-specific regulations and timelines.
We are passionate about making sure construction companies are protecting their jobs with the proper procedures; whether that is through our service or through your own process, accuracy and timeliness are critical. We realize that lien laws, regulations, and timing can be challenging to execute on an individual basis. If you are managing this already, our services can provide a more efficient and consistent process. If you do not have a process in place we can help you implement one. Through education and strategy, together we will come up with a plan to align our services with your company’s needs.
During these tough economic times we all need to make sure we are taking the proper steps to protect our jobs and ultimately our businesses. Please take a look at the information on our website. It should give you a basic understanding on the necessary steps of filing a proper lien.
Customer Testimonial:
“Our Company began using Proactive Lien Services in December, 2008. Almost every account we’ve sent them has paid within days of us submitting them. We have been very impressed with both the results we’ve seen and the professionalism they have employed. We are happy to recommend their services to anyone in the construction industry.”
Kevin & Emily Lindus
Lindus Construction/ Midwest Leaf Guard
Baldwin, WI